[thumbnail of 1962 Oldsmobile F-85 Jetfire dash=KRM.jpg]"1962 Oldsmobile F-85 Jetfire dash=KRM.jpg" 158470 bytes


[thumbnail of 1962 Oldsmobile F-85 Jetfire engine 215 cid=KRM.jpg]"1962 Oldsmobile F-85 Jetfire engine 215 cid=KRM.jpg" 159080 bytes


[thumbnail of 1962 Oldsmobile F-85 Jetfire engine 215 cid_2=KRM.jpg]"1962 Oldsmobile F-85 Jetfire engine 215 cid_2=KRM.jpg" 187114 bytes


[thumbnail of 1962 Oldsmobile F-85 Jetfire turbo gauge=KRM.jpg]"1962 Oldsmobile F-85 Jetfire turbo gauge=KRM.jpg" 48060 bytes

 This file generated by HtmlTree 1.02, Copyright (c) 2003,2004, Brian P. Shorey

