July/August, Alfa Convention (Seattle), Cross Country Trip

This page contains pictures and some verbiage for the Alfa Romeo National Convention (Seattle, Potlatch), and a cross country trip in a 1976 Alfa Romeo Alfetta GT with myself, Cara, and Alicia.  We toured a lot of things in the southwest, then shot across the country to make it back home just before Labor Day weekend.  We drove a total of 4694 miles (7554 kilometers), and aside from the convention in Seattle only saw two other Alfa Romeos the entire way.

<Day-01-SanFrancisco> Arrival, lunch and a short sightseeing tour of San Francisco, including Alcatraz and a ride on a Cable Car.  Upon arrival, Alicia whipped out her cell phone and showed me a picture of a chocolate cake she'd had a year earlier, and demanded I take her to the same place for a repeat!

<Day-02-CliffsGarage> A tour of Cliffs garage, and better yet, a ride in a Lamborghini and a McLaren!

<Day-03-MalibuGrandPrix> Driving lessons for Cara, she did pretty well for a first timer, close to the fastest times I observed!

<Day-06-RedwoodForest> The drive up the coast, slow going along Rt 1, but Redwood Forest was amazing!  The Alfetta fit easily through the tree!

<Day-07-Mountains> Some well known mountains in the Pacific Northwest, Mt Hood in Oregon, Mt St Helens, and Mt Ranier.

<Day-08-TimeTrials> Pictures taken at the Time Trials of the convention.  Despite wearing out the brake pads, the Alfetta did pretty well!

<Day-08-TimeTrials-kredden> Some Time Trial pictures taken by Kevin Redden.

<Day-09-Rallye-Autocross> Pictures taken during the rallye, it was a bit long but we persisted and took second place!  Then we ran in the autocross, thanks to Kevin for the use of his car for both events.

<Day-10-Concours-Leavenworth> Some amazing machinery at the concours!  We left and took the scenic route through Leavenworth, some great sights but it set us behind schedule a few hours, something that seemed to dog us for the rest of the trip.

<Day-11-Yellowstone> We arrived pretty late in the day, intending to enter on the west side and exit on the east side.  Unfortunately, Old Faithful made us wait a little bit longer than expected, so the east exit was closed by the time we got there.  We ended up having to drive *all* the way back around to the north, and back up into Montana!

<Day-12-CrazyHorse-MtRushmore> Again, we arrived later than expected, but were able to see both sites before sunset.  Doesn't look like they made much progress at Crazy Horse in the past two years.

<Day-13-Spam> Not much to see in this part of the country, a lot of corn and cows.  Oh, and the Hormel factory, of course.  We didn't stop for the tour..

<Day-14-LaCrosse> View from the hotel window, nothing to see here..

<Day-15-NiagaraFalls> It's been almost 20 years since I was last here, they've done a lot of development, but the falls are as beautiful as ever!  Then finally, back home in Mass!

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