Before, looking good! No idea what lies ahead..
Rick, Pat, Andy, Dane.
Heading towards the starting line.
Rick holding the camera, Pat, Amy Jo, Jeremy, Heidi, Carol, Dane, Andy, Adrien
Bring it on!
Rangers go first!
Difficult footing, "I stubbed my toe"..
Pat stretching for his first leg.
Dane hands off to Pat, every second counts in a 31 hour race!
Dave and Andy provide support - Van 1 rules!
Pat passes off to the old, fat guy on the team.
Dave provides support to the old, fat guy!
Handoff to Mike!
Dave provides support to Mike!
Pat provides support to Mike!
Mike's looking good!!
This guy wasn't on our team, but had interesting hair!
Van 1 provides support for Amy Jo - where was Van 2?
Amy Jo nears the top of a difficult hill.
A runner or a gynecologist?
What a fashion statement!
We try to push Van 1 uphill.
This file generated by HtmlTree 1.02, Copyright (c) 2003,2004, Brian P. Shorey